White Spot on Molly Fish – Fuzzy Patch Growth?

Topic: Hey! So I have a question, I noticed my white balloon Molly growing a white spot on his right fin last night, today I noticed my dalmation Molly growing a white spot. What can I do please help?


*Awarded Answer
Posted by Jessica N: Try not to get too down on yourself regarding your fish tank being sick. This happens to a lot of people and all you can do is research and learn. Lets answer your question now.

White Fungus Spots on Molly Fish?

White fungus like spots on molly fish usually is a fungal infection. You can get kanaplex online. It’s a good place to start.  But whatever you do , don’t rub anything on a fish. You instantly rub the slime coat off and that’s vital to their health. If you have a isolation tank I’d move them there. If not treat the whole tank. This is kanaplex. Here is a link and picture:

Take out the carbon before adding anything. Also aquarium salt (not table salt) is very good for them. It’s kinda like pedialyte for us. Molly’s especially love it. Here is a link and picture:

white spots molly fishes

white spot molly fish

Help so woke up to my oldest fish molly having white spot she had this about 2 months ago when I added new fish and again 2 weeks after adding new fish she had it again .

I not sure one new white guppy poo seems bit white others all seem normal. could he brought something in ?

I got these should just use white spot or Could use esha too.

Tested water and ammonia gone up to 0.2 nitrites 0  nitrate 10 so going to do 50 % water change before treatment any other suggestions

This is why you should always quarantine new fish for at least 6 weeks before adding them to your tank.

If it’s just ich, any ich treatment will work. If it’s also white stringy poop, you will need to add an internal parasite med too.

Is it wart like, sort of bumpy? If so could be lynphocystis, a virus. I would google for images, see if matches. If so clean water, and possibly melafix, seemed to help my platies.

Keep an eye on it. If it spreads could be velvet or an infection.  If an infection, get a hold of some Melafix.  Post a picture.  Otherwise I’m just guessing.

Thank you! I normally add aquarium salt by API every month but I just read that pleco’s don’t like it and I have a bushynose! My mollies get VERY stressed when separated from each other so I’d rather treat the whole tank than stress her out. And thank you!! I didn’t know that about rubbing them! Also, take out what carbon? The filter?

Hello! I’m so sorry I never replied! I got Microbe-Lift Artemiss after someone suggested it and it cleared up within 48 hours. I’m still doing it though as they say to do it for 10 days.

Need some help. Guys.  I have this molly wit a white spot   Never see before  Can be a fungus or something else !? And how I can treat them.

Fungus. Should remove it before it spread to other fish. Use seachem metroplex and kenaplex.

It looks like a fungus, but since it’s along the back of your fish my guess would be columnaris. It is a bacteria in our water that causes infections in fish like popeye or this saddleback symptom.

My husband noticed tonight that our darkest dalmation had a white spot on her side. I was so panicked I didn’t think about it and I scooped her up. It’s like a soft, white thing stuck to her side, almost like a piece of white food. But it didn’t wipe off when I tried to rub it off of her side. None of my other fish have this, water parameters are normal and no changes made to the tank recently. Also I regularly do Stability and Prime.

I’m going to PetCo tomorrow, so 10 points if anyone can suggest something I can get there. Otherwise I’ll go to my mom & pop fish store that they came from. Thank you!

I have 2 white female mollies, but only just noticed one of them has got what looks like a gravid spot, could she be pregnant?

My Molly is about 3 inches and super fat but she never has babies idk maybe it’s just in the female gene.

Definitely need a bigger bubbler. Probably best to get a long air stone for the middle of the tank at the back. You have two but that’s a large tank for two small ones. Definitely need bigger airstone then you should be fine as long as water is all good

I feel like there’s one thing being overlooked here. Have you tested for ammonia and what are your water parameters from those tests? Sometimes even if you have lots of surface agitation, if you are producing more waste than is removed during oxygen exchange, they will still swarm the surface for air. I know you said you’ve had a lot of fish die recently, maybe there’s a body that you haven’t discovered yet in the substrate or filter. Do you have any labyrinthine fish? They will also go to the surface for air, but that is normal behavior

My fish did that, thought my HOB was enough air flow. Added an air pump and an 8 inch air stone and ever since only time the hangout at the top is if there is food up there.

Ammonia and Nitrite levels? Have you tried a water change? Might not be fully cycled yet, and with the number of fish, could be getting elevated levels of ammonia or nitrite.

My philosophy is to have a filter that is rated 2x more than the size of the tank. If it’s a 55G tank, then should be using a filter rated for 110G. My canister on my 75G is rated for up to 175G tank, and it’s great. And is not too excessive for flow either.

Looks like you have lots of water movement and more than enough air IMO. I would guess you have an cycle issue or maybe some aggression in the tank. It could also be temp related or diet. Please post water parameters to narrow it down

Looks like there is plenty of aeration in this tank.  I didn’t see a heater in the tank, might be too cold in there and they are at the top (warmer) part.  Could be ammonia, you would need to use a test kit of some kind to check parameters and help narrow this down

I’d say another air stone at the end of the tank maybe bring the tank to 79 (I have 3 at that temp all have life and movement) real plants help a bunch just gel super glue to a small rock it will break up line of sight and help with water parameters.

There is plenty of surface agitation for oxygen exchange. I doubt the temperature is too low, possibly too high. It’s possible a decoration is releasing chemicals into the water, but I would double check the water with a test kit